Fragrance - the Real Deal
Posted by Kirsty Morrison on

WHY ZING IS THE REAL DEAL Most soy wax candles for sale today are marketed as clean burning and environmentally friendly - this is very often not the case - most are fragranced with cheaper 'fragrance oils' which are synthetic and are injurious to you and your families health - they also devastate our fragile eco system. At Zing we used only 'pure essential oils' which are entirely nature sourced, to fragrance our products which we all handmade by us 100%. Our customers have the added reassurance that we've had extensive independent purity testing conducted by the...
Myrrh - the Emotional and Spiritual Reset Tool
Posted by Kirsty Morrison on

The Organic Pure Essential Oil of Somalian Myrrh that we use by NHR Organic Oils has a deep,smoky earthy and mysterious aroma with a faint spicy medicinal top note. It provides intrigue to any Organic Perfumery Aroma Accord and is found in a great many erotic perfumes. It has been used for thousands of years therapeutically and in perfumery. We incorporate it into our Sacred Woods Organic Cologne in Palo Santo with Sandalwood, Frankincense and Myrrh. Inhaling Myrrh Essential Oil is thought to still the mind, making it ideal for any meditation ritual. It works quickly to hand hold individuals who...
Teenage Acne
Posted by Kirsty Morrison on

Medication to treat Acne can cause a number of side effects including over dry and flaky skin, photo sensitivity and mood swings. If you have a teenager with acne it's a hard call - you don't want your child to go around with painful infected boils or long term scarring. Acne medication often works by stopping sebum production. This is often effective in clearing up spots but usually there are often side effects and some struggle more than others with these as above. The general impression is that oil based products will block pores and make things worse, this is rarely...
Posted by Kirsty Morrison on

It's our view at Zing that most cleansers and moisturisers can't provide effective Healing or Anti Ageing function. One reason for this is that most are water based. Check the ingredients on your product - if the first word is 'aqua' - the main ingredient is water. Water based creams, lotions and serums we feel don't work in harmony with the natural composition of the skin. We feel they slither around the top of the skin and have difficulty doing much more than providing superficial and temporary hydration. They also require a preservative which can easily cause dryness or irritation...
Cannabis Flower (Hemp) Essential Oil Vs CBD Oil
Posted by Kirsty Morrison on

For clarity at Zing Organics we use Pure Essential Oil of Hemp which is extracted via low pressure steam distillation from the ancient wild crafted (no agrichemicals) unadulterated Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) crop. There are no new plant hybrids or new style extraction methods involved. The Pure Essential Oil we use is very low in CBD (so is not classed as a CBD Oil) but instead exceptionally high in the potentially beneficial terpenes such as myrcene and b caryophyllene. We use this ingredient in skincare products and home fragrancing products. Anectodal benefits from our customers include deep relaxation and...